
Open Rstudio to do the practicals. Note that tasks with * are optional.

R packages

In this practical, a number of R packages are used. The packages used (with versions that were used to generate the solutions) are:

  • survival (version: 3.2.11)

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)


For this practical, we will use the heart and retinopathy data sets from the survival package. More details about the data sets can be found in:

Importing and Saving Data

Save your work

It is important to save your work.

Task 1

Save the vectors numbers <- c(34, 24, 19, 23, 16), numbers_2 <- c(1:200) and treatment <- c("yes", "yes", "no", "no", "no", "yes"). Use the name new_vectors.

Use the function save(…). Note that you need to set the working directory.

Solution 1

numbers <- c(34, 24, 19, 23, 16)
numbers_2 <- c(1:200)
treatment <- c("yes", "yes", "no", "no", "no", "yes")
save(numbers, numbers_2, treatment, file = "new_vectors.RData")

Task 2*

Save the vectors events <- heart$event and eyes <- retinopathy$eye. Use the name vectors_survival.

Use the function save(...). Note that you need to set the working directory.

Solution 2*

events <- heart$event
eyes <- retinopathy$eye
save(events, eyes, file = "vectors_survival.RData")

Load your work

Let’s continue working on the data sets by loading our results.


Load the file new_vectors.

Use the function load(…).



Remove your work

Remove unnecessary objects.

Task 1

Remove the vectors numbers, numbers_2 and treatment.

Use the function rm(…).

Solution 1

rm(numbers, numbers_2, treatment)

Task 2*

Remove the vectors events and eyes.

Use the function rm(…).

Solution 2*

rm(events, eyes)

© Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou